Hades Vs Zeus

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TitleGoddess of Wisdom
RelationsZeus (Father)

Fafafa slots online. Poseidon (Uncle)

Hades (Uncle)

Demeter (Foster aunt)

Artemis (Half-Sister)

Casino room review. Ares (Half-Brother)

Dionysus (Half-Brother)

Hermes (Half-Brother)

5dimes welcome bonus. Zagreus (Cousin)

AffiliationMount Olympus
VoiceMarin Miller
'Hail, noble Cousin. Now let's get you from that miserable place. I'll see that all of us upon Olympus do our part, beginning here with me.
~ Athena

In summary, the Hades clubs appear to be better on distance alone. They hit 5-6y longer than the Zeus clubs. However, for me, that means they hit less than 1% longer than the Zeus clubs. It is possible that these distance differences will vary by level or stats, but that could be a bit of a stretch.

Athena is the Olympian Goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. How to play bonus poker. She offers boons to Zagreus that cause his abilities to Deflect enemy attacks. In addition, she also offers boons that reduce damage or increase other defensive options.

Athena offers excellent defensive options with her boons, protecting you from damage with the ability to deflect enemy projectiles and melee attacks, as well as reduce the damage you will take in a run.

Hades Vs Zeus Vs Poseidon

Her signature Status Curse is Exposed, which causes enemies to take additional damage from behind. This stacks with Backstab bonuses offered by the Mirror of Night.

Wiz: Zeus, the King of the Gods and God of Lightning. Boomstick: Poseidon, God and ruler of the seas. Wiz: And Hades, God and Ruler of the Underworld. Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick! Wiz: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE! Zeus g Poseidon Hades Pre-DEATH BATTLE. Lili Rochefort MATCH SCORE Bonne Jenet: 6 Lili Rochefort: 4. Bibendum, the Michelin Man vs. Christine MATCH SCORE Bibendum, the Michelin Man: 6. Two timeless love stories of the Greek Gods and Goddesses was the stories of Zeus and Hera, and Hades and Persephone. As you may know, Zeus and Hades were brothers, and Hera was their sister. During that era, it was okay to marry your family members. Zeus was the Greek God of the sky, who ruled over Olympus, and his wife Hera was the Goddess of women and marriage, while Hades was the God of the Underworld, and his wife Persephone was the Goddess of vegetation.

As her boon is the reward for clearing the very first room in a fresh save, she will always be the first of the Olympian gods to be encountered.

  • 1Affinity

Affinity[edit | edit source]

If given Nectar, Athena will give you the Owl Pendant.

Athena's affinity gauge is maxed out at 7 hearts.

Favor[edit | edit source]

Athena's favor requires seeing all three of Athena's remarks after successfully clearing a run, acknowledging Zagreus' strength.

Codex entry[edit | edit source]

'.Of some things I am certain, and one of them is this: That there were many times, during my mortal life, when my spear found its mark thanks to Pallas Athena. She favors those of dispositions such as mine, and I would like to think her efforts keep the violent lusting of Ares, her half-brother, well in check. If anybody on Olympus might have the capacity to mend the rift between my Master and themselves, it must be her; though, even in all her wisdom, I remain unsure if she can sway my Master's obstinance.'

Quotes[edit | edit source]

For quotes and dialogue regarding Athena, please refer to Athena/Quotes.

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Athena's boon flowchart
Athena's duo boon chart

Many of Athena's boons add Deflect to your abilities. Deflect is a mechanic unique to Athena boons which allows an ability to repel projectiles and damage back at the attacker. A projectile hit with a Deflecting ability will be sent back towards the enemy who cast it, and deals a portion of the enemy's health instead of its base damage. A well timed Deflecting ability can also negate a melee attack, dealing damage to the attacker instead.

(Note: Portion of damage not known. It doesn't appear to be eight times the base damage at least in every case. Needs verifying.)

Boons[edit | edit source]


Divine Strike
Your Attack is stronger, and can Deflect.
  • Attack Damage: +40%
  • Multiplier: 1.3–1.5
  • Attack Damage: 1.8-2.0
  • Multiplier: 2.3–2.5
Tier 1None

Divine Flourish
Your Special is stronger, and can Deflect.
  • Special Damage: +60%
  • Multiplier: 1.3–1.5
  • Multiplier: 1.8–2.0
  • Multiplier: 2.3–2.5
Tier 1None

Phalanx Shot
Your Cast damages foes in a small area, and can Deflect.
  • Cast Damage: 85
  • Cast Damage: 102
  • Cast Damage: 119
  • Cast Damage: 136
Tier 1
  • Damage Radius: 250
  • Cannot be combined with Aspect of Beowulf

Phalanx Flare
Your Cast damages foes around you, and can Deflect.
  • Cast Damage: 80
  • Cast Damage: 90
  • Cast Damage: 100
  • Cast Damage: 110
Tier 1Unique to Aspect of Beowulf

Divine Dash
Your Dash deals damage and can Deflect.
  • Dash Damage: 10
  • Dash Damage: 12
  • Dash Damage: 14
  • Dash Damage: 16
Tier 1None

Athena's Aid
Your Call briefly makes you Invulnerable and Deflect all attacks.
  • Effect Duration: 1.5 Sec.
  • Max Gauge Bonus: x6 Duration
  • Effect Duration: 1.65 Sec.
  • Effect Duration: 1.8 Sec.
  • Effect Duration: 1.95 Sec.
Tier 1None

Holy Shield
After you take damage, damage nearby foes and briefly Deflect.
  • Revenge Damage: 30
  • Multiplier: 1.3–1.5
  • Multiplier: 1.8–2.0
  • Multiplier: 2.3–2.5
Tier 1
  • Damage Radius: 225

Bronze Skin
Resist damage from foes' attacks.
  • Reduced Damage from Foes: 5%
  • Reduced Damage from Foes: 7.5%
  • Reduced Damage from Foes: 10%
  • Reduced Damage from Foes: 12.5%
Tier 1None

Sure Footing
Resist damage from Traps.
  • Reduced Trap Damage: 60%
  • Reduced Trap Damage: 75%
  • Reduced Trap Damage: 90%
  • Reduced Trap Damage: 95%
Tier 1
  • Allows the player to walk in Asphodel's magma without taking damage for a short amount of time.
  • Does not protect against puddles of magma created by fireballs.
  • This boon cannot be upgraded via poms.

Proud Bearing
You begin each Encounter with your God Gauge partly full.
  • Starting Gauge: 20%
  • Starting Gauge: 25%
  • Starting Gauge: 30%
  • Starting Gauge: 40%
Tier 2Aphrodite's Aid, Ares' Aid, Artemis' Aid, Athena's Aid, Demeter's Aid, Dionysus' Aid, Poseidon's Aid, or Zeus' Aid

Blinding Flash
Your abilities that can Deflect also make foes Exposed for 5 Sec.
  • Bonus Backstab Damage: +50%
  • Bonus Backstab Damage: +62.5%
  • Bonus Backstab Damage: +75%
  • Bonus Backstab Damage: +87.5%
Tier 2Divine Strike, Phalanx Shot, Divine Dash, or Divine Flourish

Brilliant Riposte
When you Deflect attacks, they deal more damage.
  • Deflect Damage: +80%
  • Multiplier: 1.3–1.5
  • Multiplier: 2.0–2.5
  • N/A
Tier 2Divine Strike, Divine Dash, Holy Shield, or Divine Flourish

Deathless Stand
Death Defiance makes you Impervious longer. Replenish 1 charge now.
  • Effect Duration: +2 Sec.
  • Effect Duration: +2.5 Sec.
  • Effect Duration: +3 Sec.
  • Effect Duration: +3.5 Sec.
Tier 2
  • Unsellable
  • Does not add a charge if all Death Defiance charges are full.
Divine Strike, Phalanx Shot, Divine Flourish, or Divine Dash

Last Stand
Death Defiance restores more than usual. Replenish 1 charge now.
  • Improved Restoration: +10%
  • Improved Restoration: +12%
  • Improved Restoration: +14%
  • Improved Restoration: +16%
Tier 2
  • Unsellable
  • Does not add a charge if all Death Defiance charges are full.
Divine Strike, Phalanx Shot, Divine Flourish, or Divine Dash

Divine Protection
You have a barrier that negates incoming damage.
  • Barrier Cooldown: 20 Sec.
LegendaryTier 3
  • Attacks that are successfully blocked do not remove the barrier.
Brilliant Riposte

Parting Shot
Your Cast gains any bonuses you have for striking foes from behind.
  • Bonus Backstab Damage: +25%
Duo (Aphrodite)One of each:
  • Athena: Divine Strike, Phalanx Shot, Divine Flourish, Divine Dash, or Athena's Aid
  • Aphrodite: Passion Dash, Crush Shot, Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, or Aphrodite's Aid

Merciful End
Your attacks that can Deflect immediately activate Doom effects.
  • Doom Combo Damage: 40
Duo (Ares)One of each:
  • Athena: Divine Strike, or Divine Flourish
  • Ares: Curse of Agony or Curse of Pain

Deadly Reversal
After you Deflect, briefly gain +20% chance to deal Critical damage.
  • Critical Duration: 2 Sec.
Duo (Artemis)One of each:
  • Athena: Divine Strike, or Divine Flourish
  • Artemis: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, True Shot, or Artemis' Aid

Stubborn Roots
While you have no Death/Stubborn Defiance your slowly recovers.
  • Life Regeneration: 1 (every 0.8 Sec.)
Duo (Demeter)One of each:
  • Athena: Divine Strike, Divine Flourish, Phalanx Shot, Divine Dash, or Athena's Aid
  • Demeter: Frost Strike, Mistral Dash, Frost Flourish, Crystal Beam, or Demeter's Aid

Calculated Risk
Your foes' ranged-attack projectiles are slower.
  • Foe Projectile Speed Reduction: +50%
Duo (Dionysus)One of each:
  • Athena: Divine Strike, Divine Flourish, Divine Dash, or Athena's Aid
  • Dionysus: Drunken Strike, Drunken Flourish, Drunken Dash, or Dionysus' Aid

Unshakable Mettle
You cannot be stunned, and resist some damage from Bosses.
  • Boss Damage Reduction: +10%
Duo (Poseidon)Bosses include the Furies, the Bone Hydra, the Heroes of Elysium, the Secret Boss, and Final Boss.One of each:
  • Athena: Divine Strike, Divine Flourish, Phalanx Shot, Divine Dash, or Athena's Aid
  • Poseidon: Tempest Strike, Tidal Dash, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, or Poseidon's Aid

Lightning Phalanx
Your Phalanx Shot Cast bounces between nearby foes.
  • Max Bounces: 3
Duo (Zeus)* Cannot be combined with Aspect of BeowulfOne of each:
  • Athena: Phalanx Shot
  • Zeus: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Thunder Dash, or Zeus' Aid

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Athena Reward

  • Athena Symbol

  • Athena Bond Forged Icon

Additional notes[edit | edit source]

For additional information on Athena that does not pertain to Hades, see Wikipedia's article: Athena

Chthonic Gods
Alecto • Charon • Chaos • Hades • Hypnos • Megaera • Nyx • Thanatos • Tisiphone • Zagreus
Olympian Gods
Aphrodite • Ares • Artemis • Athena • Demeter • Dionysus • Hermes • Poseidon • Zeus
Others of Note
Achilles • Asterius • Cerberus • Dusa • Eurydice • Orpheus • Patroclus • Persephone • Sisyphus • Skelly • Theseus
Perilous Foes
Bloodless • Bone Hydra • Bone-Raker • Bother • Brightsword • Brimstone • Burn-Flinger • Crawler • Doomstone • Dracon • Flame Wheel • Gigantic Vermin • Gorgon • Greatshield • Inferno-Bomber • King Vermin • Longspear • Megagorgon • Nemean Chariot • Numbskull • Satyr Cultist • Skull-Crusher • Skullomat • Slam-Dancer • Snakestone • Soul Catcher • Splitter • Spreader • Strongbow • Voidstone • Wave-Maker • Wretched Lout • Wretched Pest • Wretched Sneak • Wretched Thug • Wretched Witch • Wringer
Not in the Codex
Bouldy • Head Chef • House Contractor • Resource Director • Wretched Broker
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A Heavenly Marriage? Hera and Zeus

Cuckoo for Love

What a Life!

At home slot machine. Here's a neat trick! Hera regularly bathed in the spring of Canathus near Argos—and in doing so restored and renewed her virginity.

Poseidon Vs Hades Vs Zeus

Greek Mythology Hades Vs Zeus

Hades Hath No Fury Like a Goddess Scorned

A full accounting of his conquests would humble Don Juan. The list of trysts included, among many, many others:

    Zeus also had dalliances with boys, the most notable of which was Ganymede, a beautiful young Trojan whom Zeus abducted to become his cupbearer.

    Hades Vs Zeus

    What a Life!

    Io, the daughter of the river god Inachus, was seduced or raped by Zeus. When Hera came looking for her husband, Zeus transformed Io into a cow either to protect her from Hera's wrath or to hide his own shame. Not fooled a bit, Hera sent a gadfly that repeatedly stung Io, driving her all the way through Asia Minor and into Africa. Only then did Zeus, finding Io on the banks of the Nile River, change her back into a woman.

    • She goaded Semele into making a request to Zeus that ultimately destroyed her (see Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: Dionysus).
    • She relentlessly persecuted Zeus's mortal son, Heracles, who rose to immortal status in spite of her (see The Labors of Heracles).
    What a Life!

    Hades Poseidon And Zeus

    Teiresias was uniquely qualified to mediate the dispute between Zeus and Hera, for only he had tasted the pleasures of life as both a man and a woman. As a young man, he had killed a female snake in the act of coupling, and was immediately transformed into a woman. After seven years of this life, he killed a male snake in the act of mating, and he changed back to a man on the spot.

    Excerpted from The Complete Idiot's Guide to Classical Mythology © 2004 by Kevin Osborn and Dana L. Burgess, Ph.D. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Used by arrangement with Alpha Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

    To order this book direct from the publisher, visit the Penguin USA website or call 1-800-253-6476. You can also purchase this book at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.

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